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While your resume is often seen as the most important part of your job application, your cover letter is where you get a chance to reeeeally stand out from the pack. Your cover letter is your chance to let the employers get to know the best you, and why you’re SO perfect for the position! Knowing it’s important and what to write is a whole other ballgame, so we’ve assembled our top tips for your best cover letter yet to show what a #babewithballs you are!

Attention to detail!

Yes, it’s basic! But it’s the most basic things that look the WORST when they’re done wrong. When writing your cover letter, make sure your spellcheck is on and your proofreading is on point! Triple check things that seem obvious, like making sure you’re addressing it to the right person/company, you’ve spelled your name right, and that you haven’t given them your sexy_gal101 Hotmail email address!


Don’t be generic babe!

While it’s definitely smart to have a cover letter framework to save precious time when applying for multiple jobs, there’s nothing that employers hate more than what’s clearly a cut and paste cover letter! GET SPECIFIC BABE! It can be hard to know what to say, but luckily a job description literally! Tells! You! What! To! Say! They say that the candidate must have initiative? Add a sentence or two describing a situation in a previous workplace where you had to show initiative! Just make sure to show, not tell when it comes to this. Employers see candidates saying ‘I do this’ and ‘I am that’, that without an example it becomes meaningless.


Demonstrate your passion!

A great way of showing them how passionate they are about their work is by actually knowing things about their company beyond the job listing! Do your homework and read up on their company’s story, what they do, and who their clients are. Mention a case study that stood out to you, and why that kind of thing is something you’d love to work on. Again, BE SPECIFIC! This also helps you ensure that this company is somewhere you can see yourself working in the long term, as the more you know the more this will become clear!

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