There’s always lots of talk about health and wellness, how to eat better or get a better work out in. But what about a better night’s sleep? Sleep helps your brain work properly! If you’re sleep deficient, you may have trouble making decisions, solving problems, controlling your emotions and coping with change. Lack of sleep can also lead to hormone imbalances in women.  

Sleeping also boosts your immune system. During sleep, a protein called cytokines is released by your immune system. When you’re sleep deprived, you  decrease the production of the cytokines, which your body needs to fight infection, inflammation and stress. Pretty important stuff right?

Plus, your skin does most of its magical repairing and restorative work while you sleep. So a good night's sleep will help you reveal a fabulously refreshed, luminous and energised complexion.

So long story short, to be a productive, healthy human you’re going to need a good night’s sleep. Yet around 45% of us have poor sleeping patterns, according to the Sleep Health Foundation. Women are also more likely to experience difficulty falling to sleep.

To avoid a major body malfunction, we’ve found six ways to help you get your beauty sleep each night.

  1. Hit reset

Our bodies are creatures of habit when it comes to sleep. By going to sleep and waking up at the same time everyday (yep even Sundays) your body’s internal clock will be reset, which will improve the quality of your sleep. If you can’t get up without an alarm clock, you haven’t gotten enough sleep.


  1. Catch ya later caffeine

We’re partial to quick pick me up coffee as much as the next babe, but no surprises here, it could be impacting your sleep. If you can’t quit entirely, then at least stop your intake around 4-6 hours before you’re planning to sleep. Did you know half of the caffeine you take in at 7pm is still in your body at 11pm? Crazy!


  1. Hello darkness my old friend

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Your brain releases more melatonin when it’s dark to make you sleep, and releases less during the day to keep you alert.  So, to help get you in the mood (for sleeping), make sure your room is as dark as possible and during the day expose yourself to as much natural light as possible.


  1. Cue the moan – put down your phone

Ok so we just told you how important melatonin is, well blue screen light (phones & tablets) is the absolute worst culprit for slowing down melatonin production. There have even been studies done that prove people who use blue light devices before bed take longer to fall asleep. So, do one last IG scroll a good 1-2 hours before bedtime then put down the phone. 


  1. Timing is everything

Exercise has so many amazing benefits for us both physically and mentally, but it also impacts sleep. If you exercise regularly, it can increase the amount of time you spend in the deep, restorative stages of sleep. However, like many things, timing is everything! If you’re exercising to close to bed time it can actually interfere with your sleep negatively. This is due to a hormone called cortisol that is released during your work out and makes you feel alert. Try to finish moderate to vigorous workouts at least three hours before bedtime to avoid disruption. 


  1. Clear the clutter

Keeping your bedroom clutter and distraction free is an easy way to help improve sleep, as it makes your brain more relaxed. A recent study even showed that people who make their bed in the morning were 19% more likely to report getting a good night’s sleep. So make sure you’re keeping all entertainment and work-related items in another room and your floor is no longer a ‘floordrobe’. Think of your bedroom as a sleep sanctuary. 

Plus we recommend using our Sleep Well Beauty Blend before bed each night. Sweet dreams!

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