Is your healthy eating and super active exercise routine in full swing because you know it's spring and summer is just around the corner? Or maybe it was in full swing, but then... tacos. 

We don't want you babes to lose motivation just because you slip up every now and then. So here are a few hilarious reminders that moments of weakness are part of life and no reason to give up and throw all our goals out the window!


We like a babe that thinks outside the box...

We all find it hard to argue with such solid logic...

Pro tip: never go food shopping hungry...

Safety first...

Impatience is the enemy...

When your new activewear just isn't enough motivation...

When back to back gym sessions feel impossible...

Ahhhhhh "Cheat Weekend"...

It's not you it's me...

Baby steps will still get you there...

When you're outta Health Lab Protein Balls and your snack game is weak...

When you're running late...

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