Winter can become the time where we all decide to hibernate in our uggies and find comfort from the common cold with chocolate and ice-cream to make us feel better about being bed ridden with the sniffles. Well babes, dreaming about the summer is no way to live, so we’re here to help you get the most out of your winter and keep you feeling fit, happy and generally lighter!

So what does it take? 5am wake ups? Intense gym sessions & lots of veggies? While all these are sure to help, why don’t we start with something a little simpler? Lemons! Lemons are a super food and the list of benefits is longer than Kim Kardashian’s naked selfie catalogue, so lets get stuck in.


Lemon is your Immune System’s Superhero.
Germs love office spaces like you love the dance floor of your favourite dark and dirty club… It’s where they go to breed. The vitamin C in lemon helps boost the immune system and assists the body in fighting colds and that nasty flu.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!
The morning is the best time to kick off your hydration process after you’ve had a long sleep supported 0 water intake. Starting with a cup of coffee will actually dehydrate you so try hot water, lemon juice and ginger for the ultimate healthy fix. If you can’t wake up without that coffee, have it with our D-Tox Lemon Balls., we’re sure that has the same effect… Sure might be too strong a word, but we can guarantee it will taste damn delicious.

D-Tox Your Liver
Your liver is central to the functioning of the rest of your body’s organs and lets be honest, we’re all guilty of abusing this vital organ in the name of fun & indulgence from time to time. Hot lemon water in the morning works to flush out the toxins and get your body functioning at the level you desire.
+ Added Bonuses

Makes You Smarter
No, this is not an outrageous claim, we have a highly scientific formula… Lemons are full of potassium, potassium increases brain function, increased brain function means increased intelligence, and therefore Lemons make you smarter.

Makes You Lighter
Just as our Protein Balls are experts in the field of hunger busting so is lemon. So drink up your AM lemon water and pop a brand new D-Tox Lemon Protein Ball and you’ll be craving free until your next meal!


Lemon me up! SHOP NOW.

Try our NEW D-TOX Lemon Protein Balls before the end of June and leave a review on our website and you could be the lucky WINNER of A YEAR'S SUPPLY of Health Lab Product worth over $1500. Click here to find out more.

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