The saying give a task to a busy person to get done couldn't be more true than with Nancy Mo. Nancy has spent the last decade in the marketing world, orchestrating teams and budgets, sitting on boards of big businesses and travelling the world in search of the next big thing. After she had her son Archie, she juggled corporate life and mama life, but long hours away she has created a different approach to her career. She is now the new General Manager of Marketing at Jaggad Activewear and the Co-Founder of Tiny Tucker a new Children's Food brand. Discover more about this super woman...
What inspired you to join the Jaggad team?
I was familiar with the brand, being in the rag trade and also a new customer. Serendipity was really what put us together and when I began talking to the Jaggad crew, it striked me that Jaggad is one of those brands that is so encompassing and true to their brand message and beliefs. Having worked in the rag trade for the last 12 years, I was being very picky about my next move, I was looking for a role that would present me with new challenges and opportunities, while allowing to stay close to home (my last role had me calling airport lounges my second home). Selfish I know.
Sometimes, I almost feel like I have cheated the system. I feel so lucky that I have been given the change to grow the business and take it places I know it has potential for. I am surrounded by a small, but amazing group of people, seriously where have they been all my life?!
What does your morning routing look like?
I have about 4 or 5 different morning routines! A 5 year old and a husband who is a Firefighter do that to you. All said routines include cuddles in bed, a drink of hot water (because I read somewhere that it is good for you), lunch box prep (which has been made a lot easier lately with the birth of Tiny Tucker), having a whinge that I have nothing to wear, checking phone 100 times and replying to emails on the fly, school drop off, more cuddles and kisses and I’m at work by 9am with green smoothie in hand.
Hubbie has always said that I am low maintenance, I don’t wear or own make up, and I’ve been blessed with good skin. I have 2 hair styles – up or down.
Are you a caffeine addict? I don’t drink coffee but I am a sucker for a good cup of tea. It’s comfort in a cup.
With such a crazy schedule, do you ever sleep? Yes but I can’t sleep in anymore. My body doesn’t know what that’s like. It doesn’t matter how tired I am, I seem to always wake up early and can’t get my brain to slow down at night. After Archie has gone to sleep is when my Tiny Tucker schedule really kicks in, so I have to force myself to go to sleep. Jenna (my business partner) and I are often still emailing each other past midnight.
What's your approach to exercise? I absolutely make time to. Exercise time is so under valued these days and some of my best work is done while running! My husband (yes he also runs his own PT business), puts the Jaggad team through it’s paces once a week and I make time to get out for a couple of runs.
What keeps you motivated and inspired? Ha ha. I have tried long and hard to alter my reflex response to this question – I wish it was something like making the world a better place but ultimately, it always comes down to success. I have worked my butt off to be where I am at and yes, it has always been because I wanted to be successful in life and in business.
Are you strict with your schedule or do you go with the flow? There is a time for a schedule and there is a time to just roll with the punches. In my Jaggad and Tiny Tucker world, I am pretty relentless about things being on time but I have to say I am the complete opposite at home.
How do you switch off? Bed time chats with my Archie Dale. When it’s just the two of us and he tells me about his day, in the biggest details and the funniest stories come out. It’s a precious time and my brain shuts down everything else.
What’s your one pet hate of the fashion industry? I am not sure who said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. I couldn’t agree less. I don’t know what is worse when it comes to counterfeiting. The people that make it or the people who buy it. It’s theft, and we shouldn’t support it.
What’s the biggest challenge motherhood has thrown at you? Motherhood plagues you with feelings of self-doubt and makes you question everything! You’ve got this pint sized person who doesn’t talk, throws tantrums, eats, then doesn’t eat, knows how to push your buttons, drives you crazy and then gives you the biggest smile and cuddle. WTF? Working in a corporate environment is much much easier!
One piece of wisdom you would share with other women when it comes to business? You need dedication that is beyond anything that you will ever comprehend. It takes a lot, but if you truly believe and love what you are doing, then it won’t seem like a job.
First thing people are surprised about when they meet you? Hmmm, I love watching people double take if they have been dealing with me over the phone or over email and then meet me in person. I guess I do look young for someone who has been in the rag trade for over 13 years now.
If you were holding a dinner party, 3 people you would invite and why?
Tamara Mellon – who wouldn’t love to pick the brains of this brand genius. What she did with Jimmy Choo is incredible.
Julian Assange – I am a closet geek but more importantly, he has, in my view, done more to affect public opinion that anyone else. Most people don’t think change is up to them.
Vivienne Westwood – Do I really need to explain why?
What is on the horizon for Nancy?
Lots! My little man starts school next year so we will be making the most of this “stage”. On the professional front, Jaggad is growing at such a rapid rate, it’s going to be an amazing journey in the next 12 months. We have some exciting projects in the pipelines and all will be revealed in due time. It is pretty much the same on the Tiny Tucker front, I am lucky to have a talented and patient business partner who puts up with me. Sky’s the limit.
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