Jo Wise was once in the jungle herself, when she saw a huge opportunity to help other women thrive in the workplace. This savvy babe has founded the inspirational coaching and consulting business Stellar Point...

Q. What’s your elevator pitch for what you do?  We help professional women create a stronger presence the workplace through conducting workshops, coaching and workplace seminars.

Q. What does a typical morning look like for you? Wake up gratefully and set my intention for the day, go for a run, walk my son to school, grab a morning coffee, work on some marketing and business planning and speak with some beautiful clients via phone coaching sessions...  Then lunch.

 Q. What do you love most about running your own business?  The flexibility it allows to spend time with my family and the bonus deal of walking my gorgeous son to schools most days and hanging out with him during the holidays! 

 Q. What are the key strengths you see in strong female leaders?  I see strong female leaders utilising their intuition, deeper connections, leveraging their 'super powers' and collaborating.  And I love the flexibly they bring to the workplace with out of the box thinking.   

 Q. What’s your biggest piece of advice for women to succeed in today’s corporate environment?

Jump in and own it! I believe you really can do what ever you want to do if you are clear on your what that is - commit to it unquestionably and its yours.

 Q. What tips do you have for women to balance career and family? Get clear on what's important for you and your family and spend your energy on those things! Some days it will work like a dream, and others it wont.  No one is doing it perfectly, so save your time and energy comparing or judging others.  Everyone is doing the best they can. And remember "no" is a full sentence, use it often.

Find out more about Jo and her amazing business at

 HL x x

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